@ Gibsons Ferry from Daniel Loucks on Vimeo.
MLThe 45 minute ferry to the city was arguably the most spectacularly scenic of the four ferries that we took, despite being the shortest. The first three cruises were merely beautiful trips.

The photographs in the gallery above, and this one of Liani, are from the final rest stop before we returned to the church where it all began just eight days earlier.

But what a wonderful week we had just participated in! There was one major injury, a fractured collarbone with bruised ribs and a rather serious road rash to Sharon. However, we were and are grateful because she could have easily been injured far worse. The short ride up to Campbell River from Courtenay was a brutal day thanks to the cold temperature and steady rain, and there was that chaotic morning through the Nanaimo area.
Despite these proverbial bumps in the road, the scenery was fabulous, the weather generally so, the chemistry between the entire group was unusually strong and cohesive, and the week flew by much too quickly. Two years later, I fondly recall the experience, and have managed to stay in touch, at least nominally-thanks, Facebook!-with a number of people from that group. I look forward to more opportunities to participate in B4B in the years to come!
Thank you to Bryson McEwen for his technical wizardry on several of my videos.
Thank you to Amie Wiebe, who captained the Sunshine Coast Ride for B4B and did an awesome job!
Thank you to Edna Rabago of the Canadian Bible Society, who gave me the green light to go ahead with this project.
Thank you to the 4 dozen inspiring people who participated in this tour of southern British Columbia! They are AWESOME!