Few modes of transportation rival the canoe for modern day exploration opportunities, the feeling of freedom and sheer pleasure. By the same token, few modes of transportation can be as frustrating and potentially dangerous. Be prepared for the worst case scenario! Unintentional tipping, cold water, severe weather and a number of other factors can have the potential to be catastrophic depending on the season, your location and who is with you. Do not be fooled by a warm, sunny day in May when the water is still 4 degrees C.
If you are planning a trip, do your homework and don't become complacent! Make sure that you have the required safety equipment and training. Be prepared for the weather, be aware of the hazards and have an experienced paddler with you.
If you are planning a trip, do your homework and don't become complacent! Make sure that you have the required safety equipment and training. Be prepared for the weather, be aware of the hazards and have an experienced paddler with you.
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Have the things that you need readily accessible.
What will you need to enjoy your time on the water? Map, camera or snack; whatever it is, keep it handy!
Load your canoe properly.
Distributing the weight to compensate for the size of the bow and stern paddlers will help your canoe to function as it was designed; tracking better and feeling more stable. Keeping the load as low as possible will contribute to stability and reduce the effects of wind. A bit of planning while you are loading your canoe will help you to enjoy your time on the water.
Stick to the shoreline!
This is not always practical, but the paddle is often safer and far more interesting along the shore. Besides, there are very few lily pads in the middle of the lake!
Learn about the lake or the river.
Every body of water has history. Whether it is ancient rock formation, pictographs or abandoned settlements, there are many history lessons to be learned along the way. We found one of the pictographs on Rock Lake in Algonquin Park and now the children look forward to visiting it each time we go by.